What You Need to Know About Spay and Neuter

Thinking of having your pet undergo spay/neuter surgery? This procedure is an effective way to prevent your pet from having litters that need homes. But you may not know what to expect from this surgery. Do you need a veterinarian near you in Glastonbury, CT, for this service? At Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital, we perform these surgeries regularly. We’ll go over what you should know about these procedures—including why they benefit pets.

Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Pet?

Spaying or neutering helps you contribute to reducing the pet overpopulation issue. Additionally, it eliminates the need to find homes for numerous kittens or puppies. These procedures also offer several benefits for your pet, such as:

- Lowering the risk of cancers, including uterine, ovarian, and testicular cancer

- Reducing the risk of prostate problems in males

- Decreasing the likelihood of female pets developing mammary tumors

- Mitigating behavioral problems, such as roaming away from home

Does It Lower Aggression?

Not necessarily. Pets can still exhibit aggressive behavior due to various reasons, such as underlying health issues or anxiety. However, neutering may help reduce aggression related to mating behaviors.

Will My Pet Be Under Anesthesia?

We use general anesthesia for these procedures—and for good reason! Anesthesia ensures that your pet remains calm and still during surgery. We closely monitor their breathing and vital signs until they fully wake up.

Can Adults Be Neutered or Spayed?

These procedures are not limited to puppies and kittens. Pets who have already given birth can also undergo spaying. We will advise you on the appropriate time to bring your pet in for this procedure based on their age and overall health.

How Long Is Recovery?

Recovery typically takes a couple of weeks. During this period, we may recommend:

- Keeping your pet in a quiet area to rest

- Avoiding vigorous activity

- Monitoring the incision sites for signs of infection

Contact Our Veterinarians Near You in Glastonbury, CT

Need to find a place for your pet to undergo this procedure? We offer these services! Call Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital at (860) 633-3588 to schedule an appointment. Our team will ensure your pet’s safety and answer any questions you may have about the surgery.

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