Glastonbury pet allergyWhen your pet is itching and scratching or has a runny nose and is scooting its way through the day, chances are there's an allergy brewing. The question is - allergic to what? Though you may be able to narrow it down, the fact is, like us, our pets can be allergic to just about anything. At Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital in Glastonbury, CT, we know that a pet's allergy symptoms can stem from anything, including mold, pollen, fleas, grass, laundry detergent, dust mites, food ingredients, and household cleaners.


Pet dermatology symptoms are also similar to humans. Signs your pet is having an allergic reaction include scratching, chewing/biting at the skin, red, inflamed skin, hot spots, hair loss, scaly or flaky skin, sneezing, wheezing, and runny eyes/nose.

What Is an Allergy?

Simply put, an allergy is when the immune system responds abnormally to a certain substance in its environment.

How Does a Vet Diagnose Pet Allergies?

During your vet appointment for your pet's allergies, the vet will ask several questions and do a physical exam. It's likely they will perform a battery of tests to provide the appropriate pet allergy treatment. There are several tests a vet may conduct to determine exactly what is triggering your fluffy friend's allergy. The most common are:

  • RAST testing (radioallergosorbent) - this is a blood serum test where a vial of blood will be taken from your pet and tested for sensitivity to a number of common allergens. There's no need for your pet to be sedated during this procedure. This test requires careful analysis and may take up to 2 weeks for the results.
  • Intradermal skin testing - this test is more invasive than blood testing and will require your pet to be placed under anesthesia and have a large patch of fur shaved. However, the results are available immediately, and it's an extremely accurate way to determine what your pet's allergic triggers are. About 60 injections are administered just under the pet's skin. Each contains a different potential allergen. If your pet is allergic, the skin will rise, forming a hive. The vet will have an immediate cause and be able to begin treatment immediately.

Contact a Veterinarian Near You

If you're in the Glastonbury, CT area and need an animal hospital to ease your pet's allergies, Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital is here to provide your pet with the best care possible. Don't hesitate to give us a call at (860) 633-3588.