Foreign Object Removal

Foreign Object Removal from Our Veterinarian near You in Glastonbury, CT


Foreign object ingestion is a common issue in pets that can lead to serious health complications. When your pet swallows a foreign object, it can become lodged in the digestive tract, causing blockages, internal injuries, or even life-threatening conditions. Before you visit Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital in Glastonbury, CT, learn about some signs of these ingestions and when emergency pet care is necessary below:

Foreign Object Removal

Signs Your Pet May Have Ingested a Foreign Object

Pets that have ingested a foreign object may exhibit symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, lethargy, and difficulty passing stools. In some cases, the object may cause visible discomfort or distress. If you observe any of these signs, it is important to contact our veterinarians immediately.

The Importance of Emergency Pet Care

Immediate attention is necessary if you suspect your cat or dog has ingested a foreign object. Emergency pet care can help prevent complications like perforation of the intestines, infections, or severe blockages. Our vets can perform diagnostic tests such as X-rays or ultrasounds to locate the object and determine the best course of action.

Pet Surgery for Foreign Object Removal

When a foreign object cannot be passed naturally or safely removed through non-invasive methods, pet surgery may be required. Our veterinarians will make an incision to remove the object directly from the stomach or intestines. This procedure is performed under anesthesia and post-operative care is essential for a fully recovery.

Recovery and Aftercare

After surgery, your pet will need careful monitoring and follow-up visits to ensure he or she heals properly. Pain management, dietary adjustments, and restricted activity are common components of the recovery process. We will provide specific instructions tailored to your pet’s needs to support a smooth recovery.

Prevention Tips

Preventing foreign object ingestion involves keeping small, inedible items out of your pet's reach. Regularly inspect your home for potential hazards and provide your furry companion with appropriate toys and chew items. Supervision is key, especially with young or curious pets who are more likely to explore their environment by chewing on unfamiliar objects.

Contact Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital for Emergency Pet Care

If your pet has ingested a foreign object, immediate action is critical. Contact Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital in Glastonbury, CT, at (860) 633-3588 for expert emergency care and surgical intervention. Our team is here to provide the highest standard of care to ensure your pet's safety and well-being. When you need a veterinarian near you, we are ready to assist!

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